Catalogue Raisonné:
Dame Laura and Harold Knight

John Croft seeks your assistance.
R. John Croft FCA is the nearest living relative to Dame Laura Knight (John’s grandmother was Laura’s sister), and for several years has been compiling a Catalogue on all Dame Laura Knight and her husband Harold Knights’ works.
The Catalogue will concentrate on the artists’ oil paintings and watercolours. However Studies and drawings will be included to depict the progression towards finished well known paintings and will also include sketches of events plus the many famous and other people she met during her lifetime that ranged from Actors, ballet stars, circus performers, poets, writers; to captains of industry; members of the aristocracy; to Gypsy/Romanies.
It is intended that the Catalogue will become recognised as the worldwide reference authority on the artist’s works. The artist gave the same picture different names at different exhibitions, with further confusion caused by auction sales sometimes giving the work yet a further title. In addition the artist named several works with the same title and sometimes prefaced the word with either “A” or “The” i.e. A ballet dancer and The ballet dancer. In consequence it is taking time to complete the Catalogue.
The Catalogue will include dimensions; details of exhibitions and Literature where relevant; Provenance; identification of persons and places depicted where known; plus relevant work dates. The Catalogue will also include biographical, and other interesting supportive documentation.
A considerable amount of the Catalogue’s current content has been obtained from not only family relatives; relatives of persons who knew the artists; art collectors; art dealers; auctioneers; curators; researchers and art students.
John thanks all of these people, many of whom made initial contact through this website.
At present the Catalogue comprises some 2,500 works, however in some instances better images are required or more information is required on the background of the picture.
However there is still a further 1000 works or so still to be found based upon titles given to exhibited works; there are still many art galleries and museums to be contacted worldwide; there is also families who over successive generations who have passed their unique collections down through their family line, resulting in some works probably now forgotten and or not now known by today’s art enthusiasts.
John needs not only copy of the artists’work images, but also copy of the artists’ correspondence, copies of newspaper and other periodical articles all of which may help in compiling the Catalogue.
John therefore appeals to all of you who are aware of Laura Knight and Harold Knight works, or who come into contact with such.
Please assist him in compiling the Catalogue Raisonné to become the worldwide authority on the artists.
Please write to R. John Croft PO Box 4710, Worthing, West Sussex BN11 9JE
Contact John via our contact form.